{% macro customers(view) %} {% import "macros/widgets.html.twig" as widgets %} {% set actions = {'search': {'class': 'search-toggle visible-xs-inline'}, 'visibility': '#modal_customer_admin'} %} {% if is_granted('create_customer') %} {% set actions = actions|merge({'create': path('admin_customer_create')}) %} {% endif %} {% set actions = actions|merge({'help': {'url': 'customer.html'|docu_link, 'target': '_blank'}}) %} {% set event = trigger('actions.customers', {'actions': actions, 'view': view}) %} {{ widgets.page_actions(event.payload.actions) }} {% endmacro %} {% macro customer(customer, view) %} {% import "macros/widgets.html.twig" as widgets %} {% set actions = {} %} {% if customer.id is not empty %} {% if is_granted('edit', customer) %} {% set class = '' %} {% if view != 'edit' %} {% set class = 'modal-ajax-form' %} {% endif %} {% set actions = actions|merge({'edit': {'url': path('admin_customer_edit', {'id': customer.id}), 'class': class}}) %} {% endif %} {% if is_granted('budget', customer) %} {% set actions = actions|merge({'report': {'url': path('admin_customer_budget', {'id': customer.id})}}) %} {% endif %} {% if is_granted('permissions', customer) %} {% set actions = actions|merge({'permissions': {'url': path('admin_customer_permissions', {'id': customer.id})}}) %} {% endif %} {% if is_granted('view_project') %} {% set actions = actions|merge({'project': path('admin_project', {'customer': customer.id})}) %} {% endif %} {% if is_granted('view_activity') %} {% set actions = actions|merge({'activity': path('admin_activity', {'customer': customer.id})}) %} {% endif %} {% if is_granted('view_other_timesheet') %} {% set actions = actions|merge({'timesheet': path('admin_timesheet', {'customer': customer.id})}) %} {% endif %} {% if customer.visible and is_granted('create_project') %} {% set actions = actions|merge({'create-project': path('admin_project_create_with_customer', {'customer': customer.id})}) %} {% endif %} {% if view == 'index' and is_granted('delete', customer) %} {% set actions = actions|merge({'trash': {'url': path('admin_customer_delete', {'id': customer.id}), 'class': 'modal-ajax-form'}}) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if view != 'index' %} {% set actions = actions|merge({'back': path('admin_customer')}) %} {% endif %} {% set event = trigger('actions.customer', {'actions': actions, 'view': view, 'customer': customer}) %} {% if view == 'index' %} {{ widgets.table_actions(event.payload.actions) }} {% else %} {{ widgets.entity_actions(event.payload.actions) }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %}